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David Akhlagi

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I arrived in Denmark with just the trousers I had on, a t-shirt and nothing else. I thought I was still in Germany when I was apprehended by the police in a train. But an interpreter at Sandholmlejren explained to me this was a different county. I had never even heard of Denmark.

My mother died from an illness. My dad was killed by the Taliban. I was around 16 when my uncle took my sister, two brothers and me to Pakistan. We became separated from each other, and I don’t even know if they are still alive. The Red Cross have tried looking for them.

I have seen so many dead people, and war all the time. It hurts me to think of my siblings, and I feel really miserable inside, so it’s hard for me to say that I am happy. To begin with I did not want to live any longer. But I am pleased to be in Denmark where I have a lot of good friends who have helped me a lot, and whom I regard as family. So, in that respect I am happy.

During my time at Sandholmlejren I did not go out much. But one afternoon we were visited by a woman. She wore a red nose and hugged people. Never tried that before.
I did not understand what she said, but she started dancing. It was a completely different culture, and I was curious to find out what it was all about. I have a great respect for Denmark and for the people who have helped me. Now I feel that maybe someday I can help others. Maybe one day I can do something for Denmark.

22 / male / single / studies 9th grade at VUC / Horsens / from Afghanistan / arrived in Denmark in 2015 / residence permit in 2016

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