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Nilofar Abbasi

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I feel 100% alien, when someone writes "You Islamist" or "Go Home" to me on Facebook. But I am not a Muslim, and its not my fault, that we are born in different places. I have also been called a "Taliban", and asked if I had a carried a suicide bomb, as I came from the same country as Osama bin Laden. In fact, I can hardly remember anything about Afghanistan, so it's hard to understand that it should have something to do with me personally. In such situations, I do feel 100% alien.

I remember my first day of school in Denmark. My brother and I had to share one school rucksack, and we couldn't agree on who should be allowed to carry it. It ended with him carrying it. The fact that everyone should have their own school bag, was just one of many new experiences. I also remember the first time I was sent out of the class at school. I was bored, and I tried to slide down the railings, as I had seen my classmates do it. I ended up in the hospital. Of course it hurt, but what I noticed above everything else, was the hospital and the doctors. I had never been to a hospital, and thought it was mind blowing, that you could take pictures of bones!

Today I’m studying and am politically active. I really hope to influence climate and immigration policies in particular, as these are themes really close to me. It’s extremely important for me, that we help each other to become more tolerant. I would like to help the women in Afghanistan, perhaps by starting a women's centre. I know that there are many strong women, and I hope that one day they will have more influence than they have now.

26 / female / single / student / Rødovre / from Afghanistan / came to Denmark in 1999 / family reunification same year

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