Seven times I have arranged and organised the Kurdish New Year celebrations in Randers. Several times it was attended not only by my Kurdish co-citizens but also by the mayor of the town, who sat at the table on equal footing to the other guests. In Iraq the Kurds are barred from celebrating the New Year. I have founded the Kurdish association, arranged communal eating and a lot of other things. I now have good and close relations across the community. 13 years at Kompagnivej in Randers have given me the foundation to build my family and my identity, personal as well as professional.
I strive to create a balance between people. Equality. In Kurdistan I dreamt about studying law, but being a Kurd, this was not possible unless I changed my identity or joined the Ba’aht party. So I could only live half a life, suppressed and frightened. I could not address a superior directly, I could only do it through my uncle or father. It was not my actions but my sheer identity which gave rise to constant threats of imprisonment.
I came to Denmark in 1999, and it was the first time in my life, when I could freely shout out loud: I am from Kurdistan. My very first work was at SuperBrugsen in Mariager. I would often stand there knocking on the boss’ door, until he told me that I could just enter. He was a nice person, a good boss, and someone I could confide in. My country is my heart, and I want to fight for the Kurds, so they can be free like everyone else. I can use all the hard stuff as experience. I have decided to use life to think freely and communicate, so I can help create a better world.
43 / male / married / children / integration pedagogue / Randers / from Kurdistan / came to Denmark in 1999 / residence permit in 1999