I thought I had come to heaven when I came to Denmark. Today I feel one hundred percent Danish. I have lived in Denmark longer than I have in Myanmar, and my son speaks only Danish.
I love roast pork with potatoes and brown gravy. I could eat it every single day. I like to sing, and I love music, especially Kim Larsen. We will never forget him.
The first time I saw snow, I couldn’t sleep. It was something I had only seen in movies.
Bjerringbro is a nice town to live in. If we have time, we often ride tours on our bikes, usually with a Danish family we are friends with. And my son is often in the swimming pool.
We only watch Danish TV, and we follow Danish politics. I also follow what is happening in Myanmar, but I will probably never move back.
When I first came to Denmark, I was on benefits. It was incredible. I wanted to work and support myself, but I had to learn the language first. I didn’t understand that.
I have a dream of getting an education. I would like to be a mason, carpenter or painter. These are subjects I love. I want to work and support myself - and I am happy to pay taxes.
I have one photograph from my past. It is taken in the jungle. Looking at it, the past comes back - and I become happy with my new life.
47 / male / married / child / working at window factory / Bjerringbro / from Myanmar / UN quota refugee 2002 / Danish citizen 2012