When I was 18, I rode nine kilometers on bike from Ranum to Løgstør, where I met up with other youngsters. I had already been to Birkerød (Sandholmlejren), Kalundborg and Holbæk, where I learned to say “hello” in Danish, quickly followed by “goodbye”. Fortunately, I have always been good at creating relations with new people.
Hospitality and helpfulness are fundamental to the Albanians. Values which are deeply rooted in the Albanian culture. They are the core of Besa, our code of honour, which our family is a product of. It is important for me to pass it on to my daughters and through my job in social psychiatry.
Denmark is the best country in the world. Here you are free and safe. Because of my desire to fight and move forward, I have created a good life. I have come almost full circle. I married the woman I love. We have three daughters. And I am in a job where I can make a difference for others. It is my hope that my effort can contribute to helping people with pain in their lives get the courage to live rather than survive.
The scent of resin evokes memories of my home town Pejë, which is surrounded by tree-covered mountains. This is where I spent summers with my grandparents. In Fussingø outside Randers I reclaim the resources and some of the tranquility only this kind of nature can provide.
45 / male / married / children / social pedagogue and shock- trauma psychotherapist / Gimming, Randers / from Kosovo / came to Denmark in April 1991 / residence permit in 1992