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Ali Husain


When I received my Danish passport, at the Town Hall in Esbjerg in 2015, I was really proud, and we invited the whole family to a big dinner. It was also important for me to be able to vote in the general elections for the first time. But even though I am a Danish citizen today, I only feel 70 percent Danish. I still have my Afghan roots and family, but it is in Denmark that I feel most at home. Esbjerg is a safe and comfortable place for me and my family.

I am a Shia Muslim, and that means a lot to me. I pray and read the Qur'an daily, and I try to stay healthy. I practice a lot of sports, because a healthy body is important for me. I don't smoke either, and I think alcohol is unhealthy for both the brain and the heart. I am a religious person, because my religion gives me peace of mind, and I’m extremely sad that there are people who abuse Islam in order to wage war. For example the Taliban, who displaced my family and I from Afghanistan.

I have never received one krone in support. I will manage myself. I ran my own fast food restaurant in Skolegade for 11 years every night, while studying at business school during the day. In 2016 this became too stressful, and I decided to sell my business to spend more time with my four children. But I do miss the freedom of being self-employed, and I am sure that one day I will have my own business again. Maybe a mini market. I care about the climate a lot, and my kids know I don't want them to throw garbage on the streets or in nature. We really need to take care of the earth, so that there is also a place to live for those who come after us.

31 / male / married / children / temporary worker / Esbjerg / Afghanistan / came to Denmark through family reunification in 2002/ residence permit same year

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